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Lee 6th Grade Research Projects: Artists Research

Exploring the World Around Us



For the Trading Card: 

Research your person.  

Find an image of your person and save it to your computer.

Now you are ready to create your trading card.

Go to Big Huge Lab's Trading Card Maker

IGNORE the ads! 

Follow the directions for creating your trading card.

Upload your image.

For Title- put the name

For subtitle- put his/her career, ie politician, scientist, social activist...

Insert the 3-5 facts in the description area.

Create your card. Preview, make any necessary changes by clicking the Edit button.

If the image doesn't show up correctly, try clicking Top/Left for the alignment or adjust the crop at the bottom of the page. 

If the information text is too long, edit it. 

When your card is finished, right click, Save Image As and save to your desktop.

Upload it to your One Drive.

Submit to your teacher in the Schoology assignment.


General Databases

Video Resources

Would you rather take research notes from a video?
Check out these resources.