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6th Grade Science Energy Project: Assignment

Things You Will Need

Energy Resources Research Project                                                                                                                                                                                

You will complete a research project about energy resources.  The purpose of the project is to research and debate the advantages and disadvantages of renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. You will use your knowledge to participate in a classroom debate of plans for energy use in the future.

There are TWO Major parts to this project with Minor due dates along the way:

  1. Energy Resource Brochure (Major Grade – due Dec. 9)
  1. Gather information on your assigned resource using books and websites in the library.  You must have at least three sources.
  1. Organize your information to be put into a presentation product (brochure). 
  2. Use the information from the booklet and your additional research to create a brochure promoting your assigned energy resource.  Include pictures, advantages, and other facts for your specific resource.  Neatness and creativity will be included in the grade.
  1. Energy Resources Debate (Major Grade – Dec. 9)
  1. In a Schoology discussion, you will describe the advantages of your assigned resource.  Your goal is to persuade other students that your resource is the best one to use in the future.  Specific requirements will be explained on Schoology.
  2. You will comment on three other students’ posts.  You will post a comment on one student’s post to agree with their advantages.  On two other students’ post you will give a factual disadvantage of their resource.  Specific requirements will be explained on Schoology.

The timetable for this project is:

  • December 2, 2016 – begin research (1st day of three in the library)
  • December 7, 2016 – all research to be completed/make brochures in class
  • December 9, 2016 – brochure due/participate in Schoology debate of future energy use

Research Day One

Mrs. Smith's classes will work with the Energy books and complete the Energy Concept wheel and a Book Source sheet for every book they used.

Mrs. Bell's classes will work with the computers and complete the Energy Concept wheel and a Website Source sheet for every webpage they used.

Research Day Two

Mrs. Bell's classes will work with the Energy books and complete the Energy Concept wheel and a Book Source sheet for every book they used.

Mrs. Smith's classes will work with the computers and complete the Energy Concept wheel and a Website Source sheet for every webpage they used.

Research Day Three

Both classes will finish up with their research and completing their Energy Wheels.